The most exciting part however was that my oldest turned 18 on Sunday.
Yes, that was a big pause. I have trouble thinking that can be true. Where did the time go?Like every other sentimental mother I tried to retell the story of his birth, from the very beginning. Did I mention if I ever make it to the finals of a beauty pagent, I won't need to work hard finding my talent. I can clear a room in 30. Seconds that is. Well, I enjoyed remembering every detail. My crew came back quickly when they saw there was ice cream cake.

In terms of training, I did sneak in a 5.5 mile run on Sat. It was very sunny and mild (about -2 Celcius) so I was pumped to get my legs moving. I didn't really go into it with a plan but a progression run it turned out to be. My pace started at 9:15 and ended at 8:20. I was happy. I have been working so hard on strengthening exercises for my glutes, hips, quads and hams 4-5 times per week and I feel with every run more power and strength in my push. It feels different and good. I need to just stay with it and not slack. I found different exercises and broke them into 2 groups and alternate each group on different nights. I don't do the exercises the night before running the next morning though.
Planning for runs Tues and Thurs this week and some miles on my bike. I really need to keep gradually increasing my miles to get my body conditioned. Some parts need a bit of time to get used to more time in the saddle.
Hoping for a great week!
What are your favourite strengthening exercises?
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