Friday morning started with a fabulous 7 mile run. No real plan for anything (which may be bad) but a great run with hubby (which is good) It was a few degrees below freezing but I actually really like running with morning temps just around 0. Our roads are still kinda muddy in places (our normal runs are mostly on gravel) so the road is a bit firm but the temp just perfect with tights and long sleeve shirt.
We attended a bursting to the seams community church service on Good Friday. It was an awesome service!
Roaring runner and I went to our cabin about a half an hour away to pick up our 2 kayaks. The river behind our house is flowing so we are anxious to get on it. At the lake, there was soo much snow. I didn't expect so much, it was completely winter up there. Wow, what 30 miles can change. We did put the kayaks in back at home and went upstream for a bit until our arms and shoulders (well mine really) were screaming then turned around for an easy trip back. Can't wait to put on some serious miles!

A cold front moved through Friday night and dumped a huge amount of snow on us again. It was the trainer once again for the long ride. I went 42 miles, roaring runner 45. I was trying to make 45 but just couldn't. I have been fighting a cold all week and am not really sick, just suffering with a runny nose a bit of a sore throat, but I'm not really my normal self either. I am finding my heart rate is sure elevated at rest and during exercise. I am going with the idea that all those miles of sweating will fry the virus.

Fry the virus!! Ya. Doesn't help that I haven't slept well for 2 out of 3 nights. What's going on with that?
After my bike ride, I was so hungry I walked straight from my bike, sweaty, stinky and wet to the fridge and proceeded to stuff my face with this!

Then I manage to shovel this in. A paleo pumpkin muffin from PaleOMG. I didn't add chocolate chips to mine but wow! So yummy and lasted a whole 2 days in my house.

My kids had their cousin (from out of town) over from Sat to Sun and got a great visit in. Roaring runner's family gathering was Sat night. We were celebrating 2 April birthdays, Easter and the fact that his sister just got married the week before without any of us knowing about it. They send us a picture that said, "Guess what we did today" and when we saw her in a white dress, well figured it out pretty quickly. They are an awesome pair so it was great to celebrate with them. Took some family pictures but with our oldest son not home (still writing University exams) it felt incomplete.
Sunday dawned an another great morning for a run. Left a bit later than we should have and to get our 9 miles in, we needed to pick up the pace quite seriously on the way back. Had 20 min to get ourselves in the vehicle to get to town for Easter breakfast at church followed by the Easter Service.
Out of town family is now gone and we have supper tonight with my side of the family. I made a pumpkin triffle to take. Gingerbread men all sitting in some seriously delicious pumpkin custard. Can't wait to dig into it.

I am thinking of all who are running Boston tomorrow. There are so many blogs I read of people who are running tomorrow and it is strange but cool that I kinda know them and am wishing them well and they really don't know me or my good wishes. So cool.
Well a nice, sunny afternoon here to find some adventures. Wishing you great memories and adventures too!
We have had a bald eagle at our house this past week. This is not a usual occurrence. They are rarely seen around here but I have seen him 3 times this past week, perched up on a high tree across the river. Even from a distance, you can see the magnificence. I am reminded of my favourite encouragement.