So, I just need to tell you all how green with envy I am hearing about everyone's training and fall marathon or triathlon plans. My race season always ends by the beginning of September because we farm and that means life mostly revolves around running to or from the field. It's all hands on deck and I sneak in a workout whenever I can. There is no routine or consistency. It is kinda my "off season" for 2 months. So though I am sad to not be training specifically for an event, I am very encouraged by those of you who are and wish you all the very best in your training and events! My season will resume late October with consistent rides, runs and swims. I am trying to embrace this time of change.
While hauling grain, I try to be an opportunistic. I utilize my few minutes of time to sneak a strength workout in. It is actually very motivating to come up with new exercises and combinations that are quick and short.
Field Workout
1.Lunges- these can be done anywhere and 5 min (doing about 15 per leg) works well
2. Squats- once again, can be done anywhere (15)
3. Tricep Dip- the bottom step of our grain truck is about 18 inches -2 feet off the ground so it is a good height to do some dips (15)
4. Standing Pushups- just leaning against the truck and pushing myself back
5. Resistance band- I have just started tucking one of these in my bag and have done arm curls and should pull ups (15 each side)
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Based on these 4 exercises, I have done a combination of them each time I am either waiting in the field or unloading grain. If you think small things do not add up- my leg and arm muscles would suggest otherwise. If I get 5-10 loads in, it adds up pretty quickly.
Saturday was one of these days, where my legs got a great workout while I was hauling grain. I then felt like a run that evening, hoping to get just a few easy miles in. I had a killer of a headache and sometimes a nice run is just the thing needed. Shortly after, my husband came home and saw me in the basement where I told him to hop on his bike beside me and we would have our version of Saturday night movie date. Don't know if I was on autopilot, if Amazing Race Canada was super captivating or I had good company- probably all 3 but 10 miles later, 10:00 at night I figured maybe I should stop. Funny sometimes how you find those times that you could just keep going. Tonight was one of those days!
The next day, hubby and I went for a 6 mile run in the early morning; a beautiful day with cooler temps but so great for running in. I had a nap that afternoon and when I got up, my legs were screaming!! I guess I might have just overdone it a bit. I should have known better but oh well. I wouldn't change a thing. Lesson here is CONSISTENCY does work!
The sad news; brace yourself. I am out of Quest Bars. GASP!!! I don't know how this happened (well I do, I was a pig) and I don't know how I will manage until some make their way to my door again. I will certainly find myself in Quest depression.
It is almost embarrassing the way I am a lady out of control with them- notice I said almost. Even IF I could control my consumption of these bars- no way would I . It is totally the company at fault. If they didn't make such a darn good product, none of this would happen. I find empty wrappers in my vehicle, my purse, coat pockets, on my nightstand, in my backpack.
I could eat 2 a day if I had the means. My favourite flavour by far is chocolate chip cookie dough, then raspberry white chocolate in a close second followed by cookies and cream. I ate the last 2 Sat night after my run and Sun again after my run. They are amazing for helping my body recovery after exercise. I can't say enough good things! If you haven't tried them yet, I don't know what you are waiting for.
I was just thinking about when and how I tried my first Quest bar and I can't recall exactly when or why. All I can think about is thank goodness for a nomad spirit that LOVES to try new things and doesn't mind rolling with changes.
Hope your week rocks!
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