We spent the weekend as a family in Saskatoon where our oldest son lives. The other boy drove from his city of residence just around 2 hours away and we had an American Thanksgiving celebration even though it was a week early and even though we are not American.
Friday night's fun was a walk through the Enchanted Forest. This was a 30 min walk through an amazing light display. It featured many of Saskatchewan's hobbies/teams/attractions. It was the first night of the event and would continue until the beginning of January. The neat part was that only on the first and the last nights can you walk through, all the other days, you drive through. It was affordable at $20 per family and very cool. All 4 kids came along just to keep us happy (aka: they thought it would be lame) but they all had a great time laughing about things and taking pictures.
We stopped at Starbucks for a hot beverage after. Kids enjoyed some Christmas themed drinks, Terry and I had peppermint tea. We don't have a Starbucks close by so it is a real treat when we hit the city.
Saturday started with a great 5 mile run in -8 C temp with a strong wind. Followed that up with an oatmeal from Starbucks before the real fun happened. We went to Bruce's Cycle shop to look at bikes.
We were both wanting to seriously look at road bikes and get some idea of what was out there for mountain and fat tire bikes. We love riding the fat tire bike but can't justify the cost for the amount we are going to use it. I think the mountain bike purchase will come spring of next year. It was good to see names, costs, specs etc to have some idea.
So, we both are intrigued by Specialized road bikes: the Ruby (women's) and Roubaix (men's). They didn't disappoint. The staff was super great and helpful and showed us the options and discusses specs. We tried some out on the trainer to determine proper size. We have some great options and a lot of thinking to do.
Women's Ruby Elite |
Men's Roubaix |
Met up with the kids at the package pickup for our big "Gingerbread Run" the following morning. Did a bit of shopping. Found some crazy stuff. Had a great evening of the usual Thanksgiving meal (turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies followed up with creme brule dessert cake) watching Hockey Night In Canada.
Can't wait to see him wear this for real! |
Gingerbread Run was really fun. -3 C morning with little wind. Around 400 people running either the 10 km or 5 km. The run was along the North Saskatchewan River so very scenic and fun to run together as a family again. We have entered a lot of events with the kids, mostly 10 or 5 km runs but we haven't done one for awhile now.
We were treated to delicious gingerbread cookies after the race. Yum. Definitely putting these on my Christmas "to make" list. Forgot how good they were.
A little bit of furniture shopping and some r & r before heading home.
On the training front:
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: 12.1 mile bike ride
Thursday: 14 mile bike ride
Friday: 5 mile bike ride
2 mile Enchanted Forest walk
Saturday: 5 mile run
Sunday: 1.3 mile walk
3.1 mile Gingerbread Run
Not a great training week. However, I have not included any strength training or pool strength sessions and I am getting 3-4 of those in each week. I thought it might be ok to work on the strength right now in preparation for later.
It also seems to be hard to get going on Mondays and Tuesdays after having big weekends away. I am trying to keep things flexible until the beginning of January but it is great having a recap where I see the numbers. Good incentive to get moving.
A few random things, just cause you really need to know.
I love this jersey. So festive. Is wearing this to Christmas dinner pushing it?

There is something fundamentally wrong with a bathroom layout when you can see yourself in the mirror while you are sitting on the throne. Who thinks this is a good idea?
I am a sucker for those warm your heart Christmas movies (sappy) that just make you feel good so I am in my glory as they are on all day everyday on some channel somewhere. Makes riding the bike more entertaining. Hubby doesn't enjoy them though so for solo rides only.
For those celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, have a wonderful time anticipating your weekend. Us Canadians get to enjoy our version of Black Friday so get your Christmas shopping lists out and your credit cards primed.
Enjoy your week!
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