Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Weekend Roundup #7

Last week was interesting.  I was a bit off.

Oh heck, who am I kidding.  I was just plain out grouchy, in a snit, peed on my cornflakes, panties in a knot- for a few days anyway.

The week started good then went downhill from there.  And darn it all, it is ALWAYS the little thing.  I swear if you ask what the problems were, I would need to think hard.  It was just the accumulation of all the little things that didn't go right that just got under my skin and wouldn't come out.  I just couldn't shake it.  Well until later Friday afternoon after a little bit of my own time to do what I want when I want with music playing loudly.
I know I'm not the only one this happens to and most of the time I can bounce back pretty quick from upsets but it is so tough when you try to do the right thing or help a situation out or be kind and it back fires on you.  As my kids would say, "You got burnt chicken".

With most of the heaviness behind me,  I had a relaxing weekend of putting up Christmas light, baking very yummy paleo gingerbread cookies (will share the recipe this week) and doing some general house clean up.
Our community was on board the Black Friday train and there was special deals and sales at many of the businesses. With no snow and mild temperatures, it was nice to browse a bit and get a start on some Christmas shopping.

Training this Week:
Tuesday- strength workout/pool strengthening
Wednesday- 26.5 mile ride
Thursday-3.5 mile run on treadmill
Friday-5 mile run outside
Saturday- 27 mile ride
Sunday- 9.5 mile run with hubby and the dog.  Last run before the snow on our backyard trail.

My favs for the week

Challenge Roth anyone?  Hoping I am registering next year.

A few pictures showed up in my inbox this week wanting my purchase.  A little walk down memory lane for me, my first 1/2 ironman distance triathlon in Galveston, Texas.

I really LOVE this bag.  Put it on my Christmas list.  Santa I have been very good;)

Have a great week!

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