Most of us endurance junkies spend a lot of our time jumping back and forth from the "we got it" car on the train to the "we don't" car.
One day, we really nail a ride or run and feel like we can absolutely accomplish___. The next day we are sucking dirty pond water wondering what in the world we are doing thinking we will be able to do ___.
This is recovery week, thank goodness. I am more tired than usual.
My previous post was so "everything will be soo good" in terms of my big ride in a couple weeks in Actif Epica.
Today- the roses aren't quite smelling the same.
Mother Nature decided to bring back her frigidness (-29 with wind?). And she took a bit of my cockiness with her.
So from one train car to the other I have been thrown.
I will be better prepared, more realistic and be in a better state of mind mentally to take on the challenges ahead. This is a good thing. If I tell myself that over and over that makes it true right?
On another note, I caved and ate from the bag of evil last night. That big bag of munchie mix from costco always ends up in our cart and it is so darn hard to resist it. Doesn't make the running the next morning feel as good as it did going into the belly.

I had a leg massage yesterday. I have been trying to book an appointment every 3 weeks to assist in recovery. Too soon to know if it is beneficial. Didn't think my IT bands were tight but man when the therapist cupped them- I nearly needed the wooden spoon in the mouth.
In other randomness, we have been trying to find an evening to watch "Deep Water Horizon" and last night was the winner.

An amazing true story of survival, courage, tragedy and some big company stupidity. I would highly recommend it. Like go watch it tonight.
And while on the topic of movies, I am super stoked about the movie we are going to watch tonight. The Banff Film Festival World Tour movie is coming to a city not far from us. Here is a clip from their website for those who have not heard of the Film Festival before.
"The Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival takes place each fall in Banff, Alberta (Oct. 28-Nov.5, 2017). It is nine epic days of mountain stories that includes profound journeys, unexpected adventures, and ground-breaking expeditions told by authors, photographers, and filmmakers from around the globe. Tickets go on sale in early August.
Following the Festival, the World Tour hits the road bringing audience favourites and special tour edits to a location near you."
You can find the tour dates here for the North American and International tour and/or watch the trailer below.
My oldest son has already seen it in his city and said it was long (3 hours) but very good. He said it is a culmination of many short clips (5-7 min) of cool stories of adventures and journeys and would watch it again anytime.
It's going to be a super late night for us but I am really excited. Will give my review next post.
Have a super day today no matter where you live or the weather you have. Don't let anything insignificant change you- don't let the small stuff get you down. Be adventurous and grateful.
You have a chance to have an amazing day, make every moment count!
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